Interior and Furnishing
Interior Design, Furnishing, White Goods & Facilities
Drawing Room


Kitchen cabinet


White goods
- Sofa set (3+2)
- Corner Teapoy
- Center Teapoy
- Dining Table with 4Chairs
- Cot (King Size)
- Side Tables for the Cot –2
- Orthopedic Mattresses
- Kitchen Cupboard
- Drawing Room Cupboard
- Bedroom Cupboard
- Split A/c – 2 or VAV System (For Living and Bedrooms)
- Television
- Refrigerator
- Microwave
- Gas Stove & Hob
- Water purifier
- Geyser
- Ironing Table and Iron
- Solar Panel for Water Heater
- Individual Water Tank
- Cable T V Connection
- Wi-Fi Internet Connection
- Telephone Lined or Wireless Connection
- Vacuum Cleaner
- Digital safe
- UPS & Inverter centrally
- Electric Kettle
- Plates &Cutleries
Construction Features and facilities
- Reinforced cement concrete frame for Columns, Beams and Slabs.
Walls-Internal and External
- All Walls shall be with “Aerocon Panels”, a proven, insulated, light-weight “Green- Certified” factory-made “Aerated Concrete” Factory-made Pre-Cast Panel. No Plastering and no Putty application is required for all walls.
- The Structure will stay lighter with enormous savings in natural-resources (Sand, Concrete, Water, Energy, etc.) and extensive savings in Foundation & Structure-Costs, Time and long-term Energy-consumption elements.
Electrical Switches and Fixtures
- High Quality Modular switches of MK/Sneider or equivalent and wiring (fire- resistant) of Finolex/Havells or equivalent.
- DesignervitrifiedFlooringintheApartmentwithanti-skidTilesinBath-roomsand Kitchen. Granite/Marble or equivalent flooring in Staircase, Common areas and Lobby.
Doors and Windows
- Teak-wood Entrance door and Interior Doors of quality skin-door in hard-wood. Powder-coated Aluminum/UPVC windows andsliding-doors.
Telephone and TV Points
- Telephone Points in Master Bed-Room and Living Room. Cable-TV connectivity in Living Room.
White Goods
- White Goods such as Refrigerator, Cooker and Microwave oven of International range.
- Ground water and Public Supply provision through over-head Tanks and Sumps.
Paint Finishes
- Plastic Emulsion for Internal walls. External Walls with durable and elegant Water- proof Cement Paint. Enamel Paint for all wood and grill-works.
- Defect-liability period of one year from handing-over.
Sewage Treatment Plant
- State-of-the-Art Sewage Treatment Plant to approval of Pollution Control Board.
Special Concerns
- Friendly-design for Children/Elderly/Physically-challenged.
Car Parking
- Covered Car-Parking Ports in sufficient numbers Friendly-design Concepts
- Environmentally-friendly Designs, Materials and practices.
- Polished Granite-top and Stainless Steel Sink of Franke-brand or equivalent with drain-board, anti-skid Flooring Tiles and Ceramic-Tile Dado.
Cockroach Traps
- A stainless steel cockroach trap with detachable lid of Chilly or equivalent make provided in all bathrooms.
Electricity Supply
- Concealed copper wiring.
- Adequate light points, fan points, 5 amps and 15 amps points, etc, with independent meters for each Apartment.
- Modular type switches.
- Provision for 3-phase electrical supply.
- Telephone conduit point in living room.
- Solar Powered-Power Supply will be provided to the maximum extent possible.
- Generator backup provided for common areas and for individual Apartments, subject to a maximum of 500W.
- Reticulated LPG-Supply
- Access Control
- Landscaped Garden
- Attractive and Spacious Entrance Lobby
- Modern Fire-fighting Systems
- Solid waste-Management systems
- High-Speed Elevators
- Common-rooms and Toilets for Drivers.
- Stand-byGeneratorforElevatorsandPumps,Supplyof500Wtoeach Apartment
Our commitment to Green Buildings
Golden Retreats is committed to respect the newest culture in the environment-friendly era and all our Projects will be compliant to Green and Sustainability parameters.
In a nutshell, Green Buildings or Sustainable Buildings refers to a Structure and using processes that is environmentally responsible and resource-efficient through-out a Building’s life-cycle – from site- selection to design, construction, operation, maintenance, renovation and demolition. This requires close co-operation of the design team, the architects, the engineers and the client at all Project stages.
The Green Building Practice expands and compliments the classical building design concerns of economy, utility, durability and comfort.
The common objectives are
- Efficiently using energy, water and other resources
- Protecting occupant health and improving employee productivity
- Reducing waste, pollution and environmental degradation