Home loan made easy
Home Loans
- Plot purchase
- Villa construction
- Purchase of villa or apartment
- Home improvement
- Loan against property
- Interest 8.5% simple interest per annum
- Rs.7000 per month for 10Lakhs
Home Loan Made Easy
- Our projects are approved by all banks and housing finance companies.
- We have our own customer service staff who offer you all free assistance to arrange a loan from a bank of your choice.
- Home Loan plays an important role in helping one with easy purchase of your dream home.
- Down payment can be as low as 10% of property value, rest amount can be paid by the bank in installments as construction progresses.
- Home Loan repayment is a systematic investment plan or a recurring saving, so that you create an asset with your future income.
Home Loan Made Easy
- As the property value is increasing day by day the interest you pay will be nominal comparing to the appreciated value of the apartment.
- All the nationalized banks and private banks offer the same rate of interest.
- There are private housing finance companies and co - operative banks with flexible conditions and higher amount eligibility.
- There is no other security to be given other than the mortgaged apartment for which loan istaken.
- There are a number of banks that offer home loans at low interest rate at 8 to 10.5% as directed by Reserve Bank of India.
Home Loan Made Easy
- Home Loan eligibility amount varies from person to person depending on the repayment capacity, age and income of the loan seeker, his/her dependents.
- Loans are offered to salaried individuals, professionals or businessmen or self - employed individuals andNRI’s.
- The rental income we offer will take care of more than 50% of your repayment installment.
- The loan can be repaid at any point of time in full or part.